Duo Odéon

Hannah Leland and Aimee Fincher

Aimee Fincher

It's Finally Here

Specter is finally available for preorder on Amazon and iTunes! It will officially drop on June 22 and we will be celebrating in Portland with several chamber music concerts (click here for details!). 

We also just received our first two reviews for the album and couldn't be more pleased at the reception so far. Check out some highlights below and click over to read the whole thing!

A Multi-Label Musical Maverick, by Rafael de Acha
"For the earnest collector of modern music, this SONO LUMINUS DSL 92222 release is a must have. For the musically curious I recommend acquiring both it and a copy of Antheil’s 1945 auto-biography, The Bad Boy of Music.

And to SONO LUMINUS and the Duo Odeon, a salute for their serious explorations of forgotten corners of the repertory."

Duo Odéon and the Specter of George Antheil, by Lynn Bayley
"The Sonatine vacillates between tonal and atonal passages with impunity, and Duo Odéon’s familiarity with the earlier, edgier Antheil shows in the extreme intensity of their performance. 

If you enjoy Antheil’s music at all, this is a must-have for your collection."


That's a wrap!!!

We've been in Virginia all week this week working with the amazing team at Sono Luminus to record our debut album! We recorded for five straight days to bring Antheil's music to life in the studio and cannot wait to share our work with you! The album will be released in April 2018, so be on the lookout for updates about where you can purchase a copy and for upcoming concert dates!!!

Check out some photos from our week with Sono Luminus!